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Showing posts from January, 2020

In the Morning when I rise...

Give me Jesus... Have you ever heard a song that spoke to the very core of your spirit? This was a song that I've heard and sang many times over my life, but Monday morning my spirit cried out the first line of the song, " In the Morning when I rise, give me Jesus..." , and I stopped and understood that I needed to be feed spiritually! That in the busyness of my Sunday morning and throughout the day, I missed my quite time with my Heavenly Father, my Papa...And my soul cried out to Him. Since becoming a Mama and being able to hold, hang out, and enjoy spending time with my son Teddy, my quality times with my Papa has changed... I'm talking about my daily time with Jesus, my one on one feeding with the Lord and His Word... I know that may look different depending on your daily schedule and where God has you in your walk with Him but for me it use to look something like this: I'd wake up (tried to wake up before the alarm) pray, read and meditate on the Word ...

Welcome 2020!

  Hello beautiful readers & welcome to a NEW YEAR!   Are you as excited about this new year as much as I am?! Have you set new goals and resolutions for yourself?  In years past I have been challenged to set new years resolutions, you know the ones: lose weight, working out more, keep my house cleaner and more organized...and come the spring I would start to fall away from my resolutions. By summer and possibly the  beginning of fall I'd begin to forget what my goal was for the year or have gotten so discourage I'd feel the need to just give up! Let me share with you something the Lord has placed on my heart, and I can't keep it to myself...  GOD LOVES YOU! AMEN!!! That's right! He loves you, He created you special and in His image. He wants you to spend some time with him.  He has won the victory over all that we face day by day in our everyday life. The trials that we face are to grow us in our faith found only in Jesus Christ our Savior. If...