Are you as excited about this new year as much as I am?! Have you set new goals and resolutions for yourself?
In years past I have been challenged to set new years resolutions, you know the ones: lose weight, working out more, keep my house cleaner and more organized...and come the spring I would start to fall away from my resolutions. By summer and possibly the beginning of fall I'd begin to forget what my goal was for the year or have gotten so discourage I'd feel the need to just give up!
Let me share with you something the Lord has placed on my heart, and I can't keep it to myself...
GOD LOVES YOU! AMEN!!! That's right! He loves you, He created you special and in His image. He wants you to spend some time with him. He has won the victory over all that we face day by day in our everyday life. The trials that we face are to grow us in our faith found only in Jesus Christ our Savior. If you don't know your Father in Heaven, Your Creator, Savior, Papa...I pray that you would, He is waiting for you! Are you ready!?
I've found in my walk with Jesus when I spend time with Him, He helps me meet the goals I have set. "If our God is for us, then who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 I have found this to be so true in my walk more recently than ever. Let me answer the questions I asked you in the beginning, YES! I am so very excited about this year, why?! Because Jesus is my Savior, He loves me because He created me and wants the best for me. What are my goals for myself this year? Well, let me share them with you ( and if you see me out and about you can say, "Hey Liz, how are your new year's resolutions coming along?" )
1. Grow more with Christ Jesus and allow Him to change my heart to continue to be more like His. He created me and He knows what is best for me!
2. Shower my hubby with more love this year and years to come! God has blessed me with the best hubby in the world, and I appriceate all that he does for our family, me and our marriages. God tugged on my heart months ago and asked me, "Are you loving your hubby like I showed you how to love?". And In my heart I had room to grow in this area of my life.
3. Live a more healthier me! Being mindful of what fuels my body and how to get creative when getting active. Lets be real! Losing weight and working out can be so hard, trust me, this has been an on going resolution for YEARS, Praise the Lord my view of what healthy looks like has changed. And with God's help I have been able to make it closer to my goal.
I pray that as you read and join me on my journey through life, the Lord will move and challenge you to see Him more clearly than ever before! I can tell you that giving my life over to Him has not been easy, but has been so beautifully rewarding!
until next time,
mama bear
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