That's right! We have come to part four of my four part post to catch you guys up on how God has been changing and growing me in the past year...I would have had this up for you all over a week ago but God allowed our sweet Baby Taylor to make an arrival Sunday February 24th @11:06am, more to share about that next post!!! I promise not to leave out any important parts (:

That brings us to October 2018...And October is my favorite month! A person can totally have a favorite month, that's a thing, right?! Fall, the changing of seasons, the beautiful colors, hiking, sweaters (cute & ugly ones too lol ), leggings and the one thing I look forward to most: falling in love with my hubby all over again! My sister would be making a face after reading that but it's so true. They say smells, tastes, and other senses can bring back memories or special events that have happened throughout our lives. That is why I love fall so much! It's the perfect time of the year! What's your favorite month?

Next was November 2018: Ok, so maybe I have more like three favorite months! lol November is my next favorite...I just love Thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for each and everyday! November is the month that God really reminds me of all the things He has blessed me with...Thanksgiving is full of family traditions. Justin and I get up in the morning and have a lovely breakfast, if the weather is nice we might walk, cook what is needed for our big family dinner at with my mom's house or my in-laws house. Our tradition has always been that whoever does Thanksgiving the other side of the family comes over, and for Christmas it flips and the one who didn't make Thanksgiving does Christmas and has the other side over. This may change that my brother is married and my sister will be May 2020, traditions my change a little.

I almost for got...We went to Brice's Marine Ball. Since he is a senior this is his last year at the ball. I think after he finishes college and comes back to DE (ok so that's my prayer...that the Lord will allow him to move home and find the job the Lord has for him he and marry his sweetheart, whoever that wonderful girl is that God already has for him. ) he will probably attend his former high school's ball again. He sang and was the MC for part of the night, MC might not be the correct term but I think that was it. We are so proud of him!

Yay!!! It's December one of my other favorite months. December is where God reminds me of the true meaning of Christmas. That he sent his son to be born of a virgin so many years ago to save His children from their sins. If you've never read the Christmas story you should, it will give you an eye opening understanding of how much God loves us. In the bible there are two accounts recorded for us, in Matthew 1&2 and in Luke 1&2.

What traditions do we have besides dinner with the family? Justin and I sing every year at the Christmas Eve service at our home church of Faith Community Church here in Camden,DE. After the service we sometimes visit with my in-laws for hot coco and Christmas goodies, or with my mom and sister. Like the first year ( at least I think it was our first year married) we went to McDonalds to have nuggets, fries and milkshakes...haha No that is not a tradition lol
Then we go home and Justin and I open our gifts and stockings from each other, that is if someone doesn't get too excited to open things a day early just to see the others excitement. Yep that was me this year...It was on Christmas Eve Eve (that's totally a thing) I just really wanted Justin to see his custom prayer cards I had designed for him. He loved them (:
But this Christmas Eve was super special, two reasons, the first my mom wanted to match, yes even my sister, who does't like to do this kind of thing ever matched us! We looked so adorable (; and second singing with the whole my mother-in-law sang with my father-in-law years ago...when I first found this out I prayed that one day we (the whole family: Justin, Me, Dad Taylor, Brice, Nate, and yes Mom Taylor) would someday sing all together. The Lord answered that prayer, and even Baby Taylor (in my womb) would sing on Christmas Eve.
That was my 2018...I know there is so many wonderful blessing God took me through in 2018. The moment I remember them (pregnancy brain, it's a real thing) I promise to share...
until next time
{ mama bear }
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