Good Morning!!!

This story is about our sweet Baby Taylor. As you all know, last year (2018) the Lord blessed us with the news that we were going to be parents, that God was on the move and created a little bundle of joy that would change our lives, and how we see and share love for the rest of our lives...
"...For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139:13
Baby Taylor had a due date of February 17, 2019 two days after papa bear's birthday. We were really hoping and praying the Lord allowed our sweet baby to be born on baby's due date. You see Justin (papa bear) was born two days after his dad's birthday (Dad Taylor Feb.13 Papa Bear Feb.15 ) We knew God was working on something...
"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,The fruit of the womb is a reward" Psalm 127:3
Saturday February a few months back our dear friend Drew asked me/Justin if we would like to help photography a wedding in Philly. We thought (at the time) our sweet bundle of joy would have made his or her's appearance, but God had a different plan. So today, Saturday Feb. 23 at 11:30am Justin drove to meet our friend in Philly and help assist in photographing a wedding... I was told to rest, which by the way I discovered I'm not actually good at that so I "rested" by illustrating baby milestone cards for my sweet baby. ( will be available to purchase soon!!!)
Around 2pm (at my mother's house) she asked me if I had any contractions yet, I told her, "no I don't think so. I have been having this cramping in my lower abdomen that slowly moves towards my back and every once in a while to the top of my belly.." My mother's eyes got so big as she said " oh have back labor, you need to track those." We then started tracking them, and every few moments she saw me click the start button on my contraction app and asked me how close they were. At this point, 12 minutes apart. I texted Justin and updated him and told him not to worry and I would let him know if he needed to head home.
Mom wanted to shower before Baby Taylor was born so she did, then she came over to watch me until Justin came home. He was home for dinner about 6/6:30 and by this time they were 8-10 minutes apart. We ate dinner (the last meal I would have until I gave birth) and watched a show before trying to go to bed at 10:30pm. Between 10:30pm and 2:30am my contractions were slowly increasing and every 6-7 minutes apart, which is just about the amount of time a person needs to start falling asleep... At 2:30am (Sunday Feb.24) they were 5 minutes apart and I called my doctor who encouraged me to take a bath, have some tea, and try to sleep/relax and wait until they are 3 minutes apart for an hour.
I felt bad for Justin and I could't sleep, so I went to our living room and tried tea, watching a show and attempted to sleep. None of which was really working since I would just settle down from one contraction no sooner did another start up did I have to lean over and sway my body side to side, or swirl my hips on the ball, or any other motion to help my pain. Prayed more times than I could ever remember praying in my life, but God was helping and guiding me through every one while my hubby was resting, seen God knew it wouldn't be much longer...
6am...on the phone with my doctor, she told me "yep! it's time to come in!". I was so happy to hear that. I told Justin, who was stumbling out of bed, excited that finally we would soon be meeting our little baby and know if God gave us a him or her to love!
Checked in by 6:30am at 5cm dilated, 90% effaced, and baby's head moving down the birth canal. Justin quickly called my mother and sister first since they were going to be part of my team in the delivery room, then his family, and his grandmother whom we live with as I was signing papers and getting my IV placed in my arm...a few minutes later when he walked back into the room I asked when my mom and sister would be here, he told me they didn't pick up. Ummm hello!? For the past two weeks every time I called or Justin called they thought I was at the hospital and now, the moment is HERE and they were the time I finished my sentence my sister called Justin back and told him they were getting up, eating breakfast, and showering. They were at the hospital at 8am, my in laws were there by 9am.
While baby and I were being monitored I asked the nurse for the aroma therapy to help with my contractions. Justin was doing great as he helped me with my breathing techniques. The lavender scented aroma stick helped remind me to focus deeper in my breathing. Contractions came quicker and more intense, but my team was on it...Mom and sometimes Sarah (my sister) was holding my hands and breathing with me, Sarah later was in charge of holding my aroma therapy smeller near my nose, and my amazing hubby Justin rubbed the tennis ball on my back.
I asked to be checked around 9 or so, and they said they don't check unless I feel like I have to push, but I didn't. I then asked to have the IV meds, but I was told I'd have to lay in bed and not be able to walk around. So Justin said, "why not try to walk first and then if it still hurts we can get you the meds". So we tried...we got just a few steps out of my room and another contractions would begin. I'd stand up and take a few more steps before another would hit me. I looked at Justin and told him I had to get the meds, but he encouraged me to at least make it to the end of the hall and back. By the time I turned around to make it back to my room (while having very close contractions...) my mother in law walks towards me, then I hold on to the railing and my amazing team help me through the more intensifying contractions. I begin walking again when I see my father in law, then another contraction, he quickly turned the other way. Contraction finished and I begin walking and I see my to brother in laws walking towards us and sure enough another began and I'm fairly certain I saw them run the other way...
Back in my room I was finally checked so I could have meds when the midwife says " 9cm, and we are going to break your water now". Ummm I'm sorry, God didn't we have a talk a few weeks ago and we said natural with IV meds...God heard me but He said you are strong my child, and you will be just fine...God's plan was more perfect, still painful, but better then I could have imagined.
Thank you Lord for our sweet baby boy Theodore,
our little Teddy Bear...
until next time,
mama bear
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