Thanks right! Our sweet baby boy Theodore Leo Taylor is ONE already!
I can't believe he is one years old already. Wasn't it just yesterday I was at the hospital breathing through those contractions with so much joy and excitement to meet our baby and see if God had blessed us with a baby boy or girl?!
This past year has been full of so many new adventures, eye opening understands, and pure joy:discovering a deeper prayer life and seeking God for how to put our baby to sleep because we want sleep too, giving grace to myself as God showed me who He was creating me to be as a mama in this new season of life, being reminded that I don't have to parent alone, that God has blessed me with a husband I can lean on, and a wonderful loving father to our sweet Teddy bear, and that's just a few.
How quickly a year has flown by, someone once said "the nights are long but the years are short" and I never understood that until I had a baby of my own. Even though I have held you in my arms for an entire year, I still am in awe and amazement every morning I wake up, walk into your room and look down to pick you up that God chose Me to be your mama bear! I can't believe you are have my excited personality, your hair has my red tint in it when the sun shines on you, and you love life and all that God has just started to show you.
Thank you God for created Teddy, and in trusting him to Justin and me to raise with your guidance.
Sweet Teddy Bear, your papa and I are so proud of you and the little (not so little) boy you are growing up to be, don't grow up too fast!
Your very proud and honored mama bear, Happy first birthday my sweet baby boy!
until next time
mama bear
"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." James 1:17
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