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Showing posts from March, 2020

Check-in: Are you still alive?!

Hello all you wonderful readers! As I began typing out what I hope is encouragement to you all, my hubby asked me, "what's your blog about today?" I shared with him how I wanted to check-in with everyone out there when he said, "Hello, are you still alive out there?!" "Yes that's exactly what I'm doing." with a smile and laugh. But it's true, I really want to know, Are you alive out there? What have you guys been doing to past the time? Are you guys doing well? How is God inspiring you during this new season? Do you feel alone? I really want to know! Hit me up and share what your life looks like, you just want to chat, you need prayer. I'm here for you send me an email (  For our family, our sweet Teddy Bear is a full blown walker ( I can't believe how quickly he has grown) and he loves it so much that he wants to explore more of the world around him like walking outside and helping with the...

Are you living...

a fearful life or a faith filled life?  A few years ago a co-worker and sister in Christ shared where God had her and this questioned appeared: Are you living by fear or by faith? What a beautiful, challenging, and encouraging question! In the last week or more our lives have changed what our "normal" routines look like due to the virus outbreak. How are you doing with this change? What was your first reaction? Was is to run out to all the stores and stock up on everything to live on and for how long? Was is to check in with your families from around the world to see how they are? Did you think to check on the elder lady or gent who lives alone next door who might need something? Did you stop and pray?  The Lord has brought this question to my heart "Liz, are you living by fear or faith?" In this world that we live in it's very easy to become distracted, distant, busy. But how's your walk with the Lord these days? Are you living in f...

This mama bear and her heart...

It's March 2, 2020 and after Justin (my wonderful hubby) and I put Teddy down for bed this evening I thought "I want to finally put away all of my maternity clothes" .  The journey and adventure I have had as a new mama bear has been so many things: joyful, tiring, long days, long nights, tears of happiness and tears of sadness, feelings of loneliness, yet feeling like I am so blessed... It has been over a year since the Lord allowed me to give birth to my son, and almost two years since I found out my prayer to become a mama to a baby that I would someday have the chance to give birth to was finally here. After giving birth I was ready to get back to my "pre-baby-weight" of 162lbs, but after giving birth your body is not like it once don't bounciest back like you use to. What do I mean?! Well, I'm a photographer, and I've had the opportunity to photography many different events, but one of my favorites are weddings. So after giving birt...