Hello all you wonderful readers! As I began typing out what I hope is encouragement to you all, my hubby asked me, "what's your blog about today?" I shared with him how I wanted to check-in with everyone out there when he said, "Hello, are you still alive out there?!" "Yes that's exactly what I'm doing." with a smile and laugh. But it's true, I really want to know, Are you alive out there? What have you guys been doing to past the time? Are you guys doing well? How is God inspiring you during this new season? Do you feel alone? I really want to know! Hit me up and share what your life looks like, you just want to chat, you need prayer. I'm here for you send me an email (elizabeth.taylor1019@yahoo.com). For our family, our sweet Teddy Bear is a full blown walker ( I can't believe how quickly he has grown) and he loves it so much that he wants to explore more of the world around him like walking outside and helping with the...
Hello beautiful readers! This blog is just a place for me to share with you all my heart and where God is moving in my life. My hope is that it will encourage and inspire, provide hope and healing to all who read! Liz