Hello all you wonderful readers!
As I began typing out what I hope is encouragement to you all, my hubby asked me, "what's your blog about today?" I shared with him how I wanted to check-in with everyone out there when he said, "Hello, are you still alive out there?!" "Yes that's exactly what I'm doing." with a smile and laugh.
But it's true, I really want to know, Are you alive out there? What have you guys been doing to past the time? Are you guys doing well? How is God inspiring you during this new season? Do you feel alone? I really want to know! Hit me up and share what your life looks like, you just want to chat, you need prayer. I'm here for you send me an email (elizabeth.taylor1019@yahoo.com).
For our family, our sweet Teddy Bear is a full blown walker ( I can't believe how quickly he has grown) and he loves it so much that he wants to explore more of the world around him like walking outside and helping with the yard works ( he found a stick that was just his size and used it as his walking stick, it was so cute), and he has discovered how to climb on the clear storage tub in his room to get the books off his bookshelf (Literally just happened Friday morning while my father was watching him since I had a few appointments).
Hubby is settling in to his new normal of working from home, sharing the computer with me when we both need it to work, and loving our family morning, afternoon, and evening walks. And I think his heart is being filled so much more that God has provided him the chance to spend more time with Teddy like reading to him more often during the day while watching him grow more each day.
This mama is learning, growing, and waiting...I'm learning how to give my hubby the time he needs to work and teach Teddy that just because we see papa through the glass door of the office doesn't mean he is able to play at that time. Growing more with Christ and allowing Him to provide opportunities to help motivate and keep me inspired (by the way some exciting news: I will finally be opening my Etsy shop in mid April! Stay tuned). Waiting and praying, this one is harder... mostly because the waiting and praying is not so much for me, but about so many of my family and friends and how God has allowed me to reaching out and ask "how are you and how can I pray for you during our season of waiting?" My best friend since middle school is boots-on-the-ground and in the filed of this virus since her job allows her to carry for families and patients who need her in a hospital in Texas. My other bestie from high school, is pregnant with her first baby ( I think she is having a girl but we will just have to wait and see lol) and her and her hubby are in the Air Force and are not allowed to travel at this time. My baby sis who I share some with you guys last blog post, is in the midst of finishing up her teaching degree in college, and about to get married... There are so many others God places on my mind daily to lift up to Him in prayer because I haven't be able to chat with, see, or give a hug in a long while.
My heart is both sad yet full of joy and excitement to see God's hand more and more during this season he has us in. I can't wait to hear all of your stories and hear how God has changed your lives since He has given us the time to do or start things we have put off, forgot about, or haven't been very motivated to do.
Some of you my have lost your jobs, paychecks you rely on, and other situations I can not image. I want to share with you that no matter what is going on in the world around you, our Heavenly Father is in control! He has a plan and goodness and victory will come. This is our waiting season., and guess what?! We are in the waiting season together! "Do not fear, for I am with you..." Isaiah 41:10
During the waiting I encourage you to lean into Christ, allow Him to heal what is hurting you, He will provide healing. On the beautiful spring days enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, and beauty God has gifted us with daily. Those projects you have been putting off because you keep telling yourself "I don't have time" well I think the Lord has provide you with more time than we thought. If you have been wanted to try something new like cooking with your love, or trying out watercolors, maybe you've been wanting to just sit have a glass of your favorite drink and read a good book, go for it! Take this new season of opportunity and allow Christ to grow you more than every before!
I love you all and Christ loves you too!
Until next time
mama bear
As I began typing out what I hope is encouragement to you all, my hubby asked me, "what's your blog about today?" I shared with him how I wanted to check-in with everyone out there when he said, "Hello, are you still alive out there?!" "Yes that's exactly what I'm doing." with a smile and laugh.
But it's true, I really want to know, Are you alive out there? What have you guys been doing to past the time? Are you guys doing well? How is God inspiring you during this new season? Do you feel alone? I really want to know! Hit me up and share what your life looks like, you just want to chat, you need prayer. I'm here for you send me an email (elizabeth.taylor1019@yahoo.com).
For our family, our sweet Teddy Bear is a full blown walker ( I can't believe how quickly he has grown) and he loves it so much that he wants to explore more of the world around him like walking outside and helping with the yard works ( he found a stick that was just his size and used it as his walking stick, it was so cute), and he has discovered how to climb on the clear storage tub in his room to get the books off his bookshelf (Literally just happened Friday morning while my father was watching him since I had a few appointments).

My heart is both sad yet full of joy and excitement to see God's hand more and more during this season he has us in. I can't wait to hear all of your stories and hear how God has changed your lives since He has given us the time to do or start things we have put off, forgot about, or haven't been very motivated to do.
Some of you my have lost your jobs, paychecks you rely on, and other situations I can not image. I want to share with you that no matter what is going on in the world around you, our Heavenly Father is in control! He has a plan and goodness and victory will come. This is our waiting season., and guess what?! We are in the waiting season together! "Do not fear, for I am with you..." Isaiah 41:10
During the waiting I encourage you to lean into Christ, allow Him to heal what is hurting you, He will provide healing. On the beautiful spring days enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, and beauty God has gifted us with daily. Those projects you have been putting off because you keep telling yourself "I don't have time" well I think the Lord has provide you with more time than we thought. If you have been wanted to try something new like cooking with your love, or trying out watercolors, maybe you've been wanting to just sit have a glass of your favorite drink and read a good book, go for it! Take this new season of opportunity and allow Christ to grow you more than every before!
I love you all and Christ loves you too!
Until next time
mama bear
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