a fearful life or a faith filled life?
A few years ago a co-worker and sister in Christ shared where God had her and this questioned appeared: Are you living by fear or by faith? What a beautiful, challenging, and encouraging question! In the last week or more our lives have changed what our "normal" routines look like due to the virus outbreak. How are you doing with this change? What was your first reaction? Was is to run out to all the stores and stock up on everything to live on and for how long? Was is to check in with your families from around the world to see how they are? Did you think to check on the elder lady or gent who lives alone next door who might need something? Did you stop and pray?
The Lord has brought this question to my heart "Liz, are you living by fear or faith?" In this world that we live in it's very easy to become distracted, distant, busy. But how's your walk with the Lord these days? Are you living in fear or by faith?
Some of you know that I have a baby sister (not so much a baby any more, she is 21) who will be
getting married to the love of her life this spring! How beautiful is that!? During the past few days I have enjoyed talking with her and hearing her heart break due to the hiccup the virus has caused in her planning. Our relationship has changed over the years and I like to believe the older we get the closer and more venerable we become. To hear her heart and where God is working in here during this time is just moving. My baby sister is strong, confident and an overcoming! I love watching the Lord move in and through her in the journey He has for her. We all need a little reminder, check in, heart check with God on the daily. That's why He speaks to us in so many ways. I know that God will bless my sister and her soon to be hubby with the most wonderful wedding of the year! God will blow them away on their wedding day! He has a special plan and purpose for all that we don't understand and have so many question to. Dear sweet baby sister, God loves you so very much, and He has so many wonderful blessings in store for you wrapped special for your wedding. Let God do his thing, rest in his goodness, and allow your eyes to see his hands at work! He knows what's best, after all He did create you!

During this new change that is happening all over the world, I pray today that you all would choose today to live a life of faith and no longer a life of fear. Do you know who is in control? God! and praise the Lord he is! "The word of God is alive and active" Hebrews 4:12 Amen! God is always at work in and throughout our lives, His hand is always on the move, and sometimes we have the gift to see His hand moving. Do you see it moving in your life today? What blessings has Christ given to you to remind you of His faithfulness and goodness?
I want to encourage you all to revaluate your life, to take a step back and ask God to show you what is your purpose during this time that He has given you as we are called to settle into our homes with our family members, to be with the blessing of our child/children, to enjoy the new opportunities to spend more time with Him in our daily reading, listening, and study time. God is so good! Invite Him in...Share your fears about what is going on in your life right now, He is wait and ready to take them off your shoulders and give you freedom, clarity and peace.
God loves you and I love you too!
Until next time
mama bear
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